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A New Approach To B2B Marketing

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The best partnerships in the world started with a simple conversation.



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Years Serving Clients

100% of the Companies Who Don't Know About You Won't Buy From You!

Alternetics provides outsourced marketing services to B2B companies who are ready to grow, but not quite ready for the expense of a full time marketing team.  We provide the people , the platform, and the process to ensure your target market knows who you are when they are open to buy.

What We Do

PowerLaunch Platform

Go-To-Market Planning

Marketing Execution

Statistical Analysis

Your Marketing Dream Team

Alternetics offers a unique, lower cost option for companies trying to increase sales. Our proprietary PowerLaunch methodology is designed to get more marketing qualified leads faster and at a lower total cost than traditional approaches.

With over 22 years of experience in sales and marketing, we've got the hands on know-how to help companies from every industry get the most from their business building investment.

Trust us, we've probably solved your biggest challenges at least twice.

Think you have a business challenge we have not seen? We would love to hear all about it. Solving your business development challenges is what keeps us showing up.

PowerLaunch CRM

Having completed hundreds of sales and marketing platform projects, we know exactly what it takes to get you up and running quickly and with the highest user adoption.

Our PowerLaunch CRM is a completely reimagined, proprietary sales and marketing tool that works exactly as you need and at a fraction of the cost of the big name do everything platforms. Why pay for functionality you don't need?

With over 22 years of CRM experience, you are not likely to find another company with more CRM platform experience than Alternetics.

Let's Talk PowerLaunch CRM
A group of people are standing on a ladder writing on a whiteboard solving CRM problems.
A group of people are posing for a picture in an office.

Go-To-Market Planning

Probably the most important aspect of good marketing execution is building the plan. Most executives know what they sell and why customers buy, but are probably not sure how to methodically communicate that to the market. The good news is we do!

Our team prides itself on being able to ask the right questions and being able to turn the answers to those question into actionable steps in an overall plan.

Let's Talk Go-To-Market Planning

Marketing Execution

Contrary to popular belief, most companies do not need a full-time marketing staff.  Technology and Artificial Intelligence have made the marketing process so efficient, a marketing campaign can truly be "set and forget". 

What you do need is a combination of skilled experts who offer different elements of marketing needs and understand how to use the modern tools.

Our managed service model gives you the experience you need at a significantly lower cost than paying for that experience on a full-time basis.

Let's Talk Marketing Execution
Team developing additional CRM functionality.

Statistical Analysis

As important as having a go to market plan is having accurate results in an easy to understand format.

The PowerLaunch platform has many prebuilt charts and dashboards to give you a real-time understanding of how each marketing initiative is performing.

Alternetics takes the guesswork out messaging  success. We know immediately whether a message is resinating in the marketplace and have the ability to adjust on the fly.


Let's Talk Statistical Analysis

What people say about us?

Don't just take it from us

Michael Sklorenko CEO of Alesco Data
A white background with four black stars on it.

Michael Sklorenko, CEO Alesco Data

“It would be impossible to hire one person with the experience and knowledge they bring to us daily. They are a critical part of our team" 

Parker Hinshaw CEO of MaxIT Healthcare
A white background with four black stars on it.

Parker Hinshaw, CEO MaxIT Healthcare

“Alternetics built a sales foundation that allowed MaxIT to grow from a 4 person company to a $500 mil exit. I am not sure it would have been possible without them."

Chris Caramanico CEO of HealthEC
A white background with four black stars on it.

Chris Caramanico, CEO MobileSmith Health

“Alternetics is an absolute critical part of our sales and marketing team. Their people are great and the model could not be more right for what we needed."


  • So Alternetics is a consulting firm?

    No. While we do offer our expertise on a contract basis, our model is not build and run. We act as an extension to your team. Sort of like a part-time employee with super focused skills.

  • Shouldn't I just hire a full-time marketing staff?

    That is a very common misconcpetion. In reality, it is very rare to find one person with all the skills needed to build and execute a successful marketing plan. With Alternetics, we have all the skill sets you need rolled into one, very affordable, service model.

  • What industries do you serve?

    Our team has seen it all. From global tech companies to local plumbers to online universities. If your company is in B2B and wanting to grow, we can help.

  • Do you work with small companies?

    We love companies of all sizes. We have clients who are one person start-ups and others with hundreds of employees and growing. Our delivery model is built to fit any size company.

  • Why should I choose Alternetics?

    What has kept our clients coming back year after year - some for more than 20 years - is because we believe in long term relationships and being very easy to do business with. Our philosophy is simple. Provide the best possible service, with the fastest turnaround, and at the most budget friendly price possible. Thankfully, it is a philosophy that has served us well in the past, and we are confident it will continue to carry us into the future.

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